What is hypnosis and what is it used for?
Typically defined by Erikson as a “stage of focused awareness” hypnosis is generally quite different from what the general idea might be around hypnosis. During hypnosis the person even though apparently and experientially very relaxed is working most efficiently. Frequently useful to bring prompt relief with depression, anxiety, phobias, grief. Hypnosis can improve overall quality of life by allowing quick restorative session to restore energy. Hypnosis is frequently a great indication to control pain, to prepare to surgery, prepare to public speaking,…
Every hypnosis is auto hypnosis, however the use of an external voice to induce hypnosis and promote focused awareness is really useful, to practice self-hypnosis without this guide is often quite difficult. With your therapist you will have the opportunity upon request to have mp3 recording of the hypnotic session when relevant and you may have access to a certain number of hypnotic session (at a moderate cost) to practices of hypnosis to alleviate your symptoms.