- Psychologist and Spécialiste en Psychothérapie FSP-AVP
- Doctorat en psychologie, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 2004
- Diplôme en psychologie, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1993
- Licence en psychologie, Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, 1991
- Masters (California) in Marriage, Family, Child and Couples Therapy
- Licence to practice in the field of Marriage, Family, Child and Couples Therapy MFC 39165, 2002
- Licence to practice in California and in Switzerland
About me
Fabienne Kuenzli-Monard, Ph.D. MFT is a Swiss psychologist and a Psychotherapist (Swiss Federation of Psychologists). She received a doctorate in Psychology from the University of Lausanne in 2004 and has a Californian masters in Marriage Family and child Therapy. She is a licensed practitioner in both countries.
She completed in Los Angeles, California a Masters of Art in Marriage, Family, Child and Couple Therapy). She obtained her doctorate in Psychology in 2004 at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. She taught several classes on postmodernism and psychotherapy at the University (Lausanne, Switzerland, Houston, Texas and California). She published articles in French and English. In 2006, she published her first book: Inviting Reflexivity into the therapy room: How therapists think in practice, University Press of America.
Since 1993, she has been involved learning and teaching the latest development in the field of Family Therapy. She was often blessed with being trained directly with the masters in their learning in California. Fabienne worked in California from 1993 to 1996 in a non-profit clinic with individuals, couples, families and children, facing all kind of crisis and problems coming in for Psychotherapy or consultations. Fabienne also studied in Phoenix at the Milton Erickson Foundation to become more advanced in the practice of Ericksonian therapy and therapeutic trances. Fabienne also specialized in Narrative Therapy and Solution Focused Therapy and Gestalt Therapy.
Fabienne Kuenzli worked then as the clinical director in a shelter for women and their children under the influence domestic violence. She trained numerous practitioners, nurses, social workers, and psychologists… to address and respond to the domestic violence dynamics in a manner that limits violence rather than involuntarily perpetuates it.
In 1998, she is invited to work with Harlene Anderson Ph. D. at the Houston Galveston Institute (Houston, Texas), where she supervised interns. Collaboratively, she develops with her husband André Kuenzli, Dipl. Psych, Spécialiste en Psychothérapie and Dr. Harlene Anderson a research project on adolescence and violence. She worked at their clinic parrallely with mostly mandated treatments. She also does in home therapies in Houston. She keeps working with children, teens families, adults and couples.
Since 2000, Fabienne worked at the Valley Child Guidance Clinic, seeing children and their families. She chose this challenge of this so-called very difficult population to see if she can manage to work efficiently as a clinician in these most difficult contexts. The clinic counts about 600 patients from various cultural backgrounds, but socio-economically challenged population, earning the very minimum. She pursues her interests with working on the dynamics of domestic violence; studying and treating along with that in groups she named « Escaping ties » co-appearing dynamics of drugs, alcohol, dependant relationships, and food addiction. She worked much with teenager deeply involved in the spiral of violence (gang involvement) addressing these dynamics on multiple levels to allow freedom of choices. She sees children and their families, sometimes adults on their own.
She has been involved in the business of writing therapeutic letters to her clients since 1993, trying to establish a stronger bound and attempting to maintain longer the progresses witnessed in session. The clients have loved these letters. LINK she now is plotting her second book on the topic of “writing therapeutic letters to your clients”.
She also liked teaching clinical practices to her colleagues and enjoys teaching the practice of psychotherapy tremendously. In 2004 she became the training coordinator for about 60 clinicians and psychotherapists and organizes all the training and continuing education for them. She teaches herself weekly a clinical practicum, treating many different issues of psychotherapy with great success.
Fabienne comes back from California in May 2006 , after 12 years as a Swiss immigrant, where she worked as a family therapist with challenging families living in most socially deprived situations. After an overwhelming acclaim to a class she and André give at the University of Lausanne on Postmodernism, they finally open their own institute (institute of Reflexive Practices). This brief description would not be complete without adding that she works, hand in hand happily married with colleague and husband André Kuenzli and together for close to 20 years. They open in May 2011 their own editions called Editions of Reflexive Practices.
Reflexively yours…
If you wish to know what others have said about me here are a few relevant documents for you to read