Since she practiced widely on both continents, Dr. Fabienne Kuenzli can offer for her clients an environment sensitive and prone to accepting cultural diversities. She also encourages the very expression of differences and cultures in its unique expression in each individual. She centers her work on what works in individuals and has been one of the pioneer in turning her back to the effects of pathology on her clients but also on the quality of an effective work. Do more of what works. She specializes in such domains as the majors sources of problems of anxiety, depression, trauma and pain management. She also specializes in the USA in working successfully with young children (4 to 5) up to the teenagers which she loves to work with since they are so acutely indicators of painful society issues and stay on the edge. She uses with children a myriad of different medium such as sand tray, puppets, expression games, as they allow quickly to deepen the work but mostly to create a fun, welcoming environment that is very reassuring for a child and secure often quickly a strong alliance that invites the child with great pleasure to attend his sessions. Her long training in Systems Theory and in Family Therapy allows her to reach and help the complex issues faced by families.
Dr. Kuenzli sees couples and inspires her work from the latest finding of research, such as the work of Gottman and Gottman (1999) and most recently integration of the work of Susan Johnson (2004, 2006) in Canada and her long training in Gestalt Therapy. She assists couples in transition or in crisis in finding together a new equilibrium that suits their needs and encourages both partner to an active participation in psychotherapy with offering experiential exercises, to experience positive nurturing connection with the other, newness rather than talk about it, or lecture about it. NB: I never work with couples when violence is active. In these cases it is most advisable to work separatedly until there is no longer any violence.
Fabienne Kuenzli offers supervision (institutionally or privately). She practices as a psychologist since 1991.