Nouveau livre: Le petit coyote du désert de Sonora, une histoire pour devenir plus fort, conte hypnotique à lire aux enfants . Sorti en Décembre 2018. Commandez un exemplaire chez l’auteure à fk@reflexivepractices.com ou amazon.fr
Inviting reflexivity into the therapy room. How therapists think in practice » |
- Article paru dans « Thérapie familiale » offrant un résume du livre
- Revue critique du professeur R.Droz, Université de Lausanne (EN)
- Lire plus a propos du livre (EN)
- Extrait du livre: « About Reflexivity »
- Extrait du livre: Legal alien unauthorized to work
- Extrait du livre: « Toward a conclusion »
- Extrait du livre: « What clients should look for in a therapist »
- Sommaire
Dr. Antoinette Corboz-Warnery, Médecin-Psychiatre, Co-auteure du « Primary Triangle : A developmental Systems view of Mothers » (Basic Books, 1999)
« You may read many books on psychotherapy and still be left wanting to know:
How is this going to affect my work? How will it change, transform, modify or help me to be a better psychotherapist? What differences will it make for my professional life, when facing clinical challenges?
« Inviting reflexivity into the therapy room » changed my work in many ways. After reading the first few pages, I found myself thinking about my work differently. This was really interesting and nothing I had experienced with previous psychotherapy books I read. It was as if the process that is so fundamental in Dr. Kuenzli’s work (the process of reflexivity) was working on me almost instantly. The process outlined in Dr. Kuenzli’s book enabled me to think about what I was really doing continually as a clinician, and it helped refine my skills even more….«
Ellen Vennola, Psy. D. September 2006 Los Angeles County, California